Be Expert, Be Human
Be Nice
Find the best talent in: Colombia Perú Ecuador Argentina
Power your global business success with our Latin American IT talent, achieving unparalleled efficiency and growth.
- Personalized Attention
- Global Focus
- Specialized Talent
countries of the world
of IT per year
our team

Latin American IT Talent for your Success
We connect global companies with the most qualified and committed talent.
At Nice People Consulting, we are here to help you grow your business and expand your horizons successfully. We are more than a consulting and professional services firm, we are your strategic partner in the search and selection of the best specialized and IT talent in developing regions, with a primary focus on Latin America.

Customer Testimonials
"We leave a mark and build long-term relationships."
It is amazing the level of professionalism and commitment of Nice People Consulting's team, always willing to go the extra mile that separates only selecting trained technical personnel from building a team. For useit as a technology company, it has been a great support to have an ally specialized in our area, who understands our DNA, the "useit way to do the things", which helps us to build and evolve a team with technical and human capabilities.
Pablo C. Pantoja
- CEO / Director General
- UseIt
For more than two years we have maintained a strong alliance with NicePeople as our headcounting service provider, their great experience in the selection of specialized profiles especially in the IT sector, has allowed us to form a great technical team and additionally bilingual to provide remote support from Colombia to our main operation and portfolio of clients in the United States. NicePeople provides full support from the moment we start a hiring process, constant communication and feedback of the process and a great ability to find suitable resources for our positions. Their great contribution in the selection process has also generated a significant reduction in staff turnover.
Marlon Martinez
QA Care Manage
We have worked with Nice People for about 5 years, time in which we have built a relationship of allies that has allowed us to successfully move forward with several of the initiatives of the Human Talent strategy in Comfandi.
Together we have built ideas and measurement instruments for work climate and satisfaction, to measure the use and satisfaction of our employees in the model as a family-responsible company, in addition to measuring culture. We have gone further with them, making interventions in focus groups, to obtain more information and more complete diagnoses and also developed and operationalized plans for improvement.
It is an ally that manages to understand our needs and adapts the proposals in such a way that it is linked in an important way to the human talent strategy. Their professionalism, flexibility and human quality are attributes that we highlight in them.
Martha Elvira García Forero
- Human Resources Director
- Comfandi